Thursday, April 19, 2012

Too Much JUNK!

As I was lying in bed this morning, I could hear my iPhone continuing to beep and vibrate. These sounds meant emails were arriving. After 15 minutes of listening to this, I figured I might as well check out what I was already receiving this early in the morning. Well, it was ALL JUNK...about 15 junk emails. Over the course of a day I will on average receive around 50-75 of these kinds of emails! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?! How did I get caught in the hell of receiving so many junk emails????

Truth be known, I am most likely responsible for creating this demon in my life. Whenever I have been at a store shopping and upon paying for my purchase, 9 out of 10 times the cashier will ask for an email address so they can send me coupons and special offers. Well, who doesn't want to save money? Or get something for free?

I should have known better...VERY FEW things in life are REALLY FREE! And while I am trying to save a couple of dollars, the stress from so many "junk" emails - is actually costing me my sanity! LOL!!!

Let me not forget the newsletters I have signed up for at websites related to health, nutrition, wellness, and personal interest. Good golly!!!! When do I really have the time to read this stuff??? Oh yeah - around midnight!!!! When I should really be going to sleep. I think I need to find a newsletter that can address this problem, perhaps! LOL!!!!

Up until the last 10 years or so, before the world was being controlled by the internet (hahaha), my postal mailbox would be stuffed with paper "junk" mail. And it would frustrate me, having to waste my time going through every single piece of "junk" mail, because the postman had an amazing ability to mix the "real" mail in between the "junk" mail. You would think with the internet in full swing, the "junk" postal mail would be slowing down. HELL NO! It is still keeping a strong hold on that outlet, and it doesn't appear to be decreasing anytime soon!

So, what's a person to do, because the "junk" in my life doesn't stop there. (Oh, how I wish it did!) I have "junk" in the way of clothes that don't fit and I don't wear, magazines from past months and years (why am I saving this I really believe I am going to need these again at some point in my life....NOT!!!!), plastic containers I am saving to use for....I don't even remember, toys the kids are done playing with - but I AM not ready to part with, etc., etc. Get the picture???? My list could go on and on...but I might start losing my sanity, again. LOL!!!!

I could really use the services of professional organizer Peter Walsh - who has a show called "Extreme Clutter" - and uses the phrase "Enough Already!" all the time. Well, Peter, that is exactly how I am feeling - ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!

All that I call "junk" is also CLUTTER in my life, my mind and my heart. It is truly draining and sucking a lot of positive energy out of me and even my family....and I need it to STOP!!!

How will I stop this??? For starters, I need to go into my email accounts and UNSUBSCRIBE from EVERYTHING that I consider to be junk! This will be no small task...could take days, maybe weeks to sift through the THOUSANDS of emails in 4 different email accounts. (Did I just say 4?? Why do I even have 4???? Sounds like I may need to unsubscribe from one of those, too! LOL!!!) And I can't forget the clutter on Facebook...people I have friended that I am not even friends with...time to look over that list and clean it up, too. LOL!

Not sure about the postal "junk" mail - how does one stop that??? At least if I can stop the "junk" emails, that will be one less item of "junk" that is sucking my time away from other things I should be reading and looking at. I will just have to use the postal "junk" mail for use in the fireplace or put in the recycle bin. (Perhaps that is the REAL reason recycling was started...the recycling businesses are in collaboration with the postal "junk" mail's a conspiracy! LOL!!!!)

Then I probably need to make a list of all that I feel is "junk" and "clutter" in my home and life. This list will become my guide, focus and direction - call it a map. As I conquer one item at a time on the list, I will mark it off and visually see that I AM making success...even if it takes me ALL year! I WILL CONQUER THE JUNK AND CLUTTER!!!

In the words of Peter Walsh: "IT'S ALL TOO MUCH!" And he is so right! The "junk" really is all too much! AND I NEED IT TO STOP NOW!!! :-)


  1. I created a gmail filter to automatically move the ads into their own folder. I can look if I'm going to shop, but otherwise I just delete them all every month or so.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I will need to see if I can set that up with my other email accounts that are not gmail accounts. :-)

  2. Janelle, please tell me how you did that! Thanks!
