Thursday, April 5, 2012

To Blog Or Not To Blog?

Well, here goes. My first post in the blogging world. I should start by saying "Thank You" to my friends and family members that have been inspiring me for the last couple years, to finally take the leap into joining them in this universe of bloggers. I am usually not one to "stalk" others, but I feel like that is what I have been doing for some time now. I read all the amazing blogs being posted and I would find myself creating my own post in my mind. But, I would never put it to paper (or computer). So, for the heck of it I decided to make a list of the potential "Blog Titles" I would write about if I actually had my own blog, as a way to see if I really would have anything to blog about. And I am embarrassed to admit it, but I had 90! SERIOUSLY!!! - I HAD 90!!!! Clearly, I have a whole lot of thoughts going on in my mind, that I guess I won't run out of ideas to post about for a while.

So in answering my question, "To Blog Or Not To Blog?" - I think I am going to BLOG!!!

Now, for those wondering why I selected the blog name I did - "A MidLife Awakening" - it seemed to best suit me and my life right now. Just because I am 44 years old, and at the so-called mid point in my life, it doesn't mean I am having or going to have a "MidLife Crisis." By this time in one's life you start to realize what you like, and what you don't like. Who are your friends, and who are not your friends. The things that are most important in your life, and what things you can do without. These, to me, are "AWAKENING" moments - NOT Crisis moments. So, I am having "A MidLife Awakening" and look forward to having more awakening moments during the next 40+ years of my life!

As for all the "blog ideas" I have running through my mind, I am excited to have somewhere to finally post it. I am sure there will be some posts that will resonate with many, while other posts some may disagree. Just know, that I do not aim to offend or hurt. I honestly hope to enlighten and entertain. Happy Reading! :-)

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