Sunday, April 22, 2012

Me, Myself And I

I LOVE time by myself!  I will go to a movie by myself.  I will go out to dinner by myself.  I will even go have a drink - by myself.   And perhaps I love it even more as I am getting older, because of the constant "sounds" in my life.  I am almost always around at least one child of mine.  And with all of my volunteer commitments, even my paid commitments, there is VERY little time for myself.  Even my praying time is difficult to have, by myself!

What I am realizing now even more so, is that I have always been this way.  I still LOVE to dance.  I am more than happy to hit the dance floor by myself and let it all go!  When I was a senior in high school, I remember being at a "sock hop" dance (no-date-needed kind of dance), and I was dancing by myself (because none of the guys had the courage to dance with me or could keep up with me - so I was told - LOL!) and the vice principle pulled me out of the dance to "talk to me" because he wanted to know what I had taken or if I had been drinking because I was acting "high".  I actually just laughed at him and told him I wasn't drunk or high - I was just having FUN!!! I guess having too much fun was inappropriate behavior. (Sound like a scene from the movie "Footloose"?? LOL!)

Even in college, if the girls in my sorority weren't in the mood to go out, I still went.  Figured I would eventually see someone I knew while I was out...which was usually the case.   I'm not sure if it was my internal need to make sure that I was confident with who I was, and didn't need another person to define me.  So many friends I have known over the years, won't go anywhere - without another person.  And in many cases, without a guy! Seriously?!?!  If for some reason there was a time when I wasn't with a guy, would I become a hermit and have no life, or could I survive?  HELL YES, I COULD SURVIVE!!!  And I would be perfectly fine spending time with myself.

Not to say, that time with a guy is not enjoyed or appreciated!  Quite the contrary.  However, being able to "hear" your thoughts, and "feel" your feelings without the presence of another person, can be awesome, too.  Perhaps because I am a mother of four, these "quiet" moments are so far and few between.   If I wait until they are all grown up and out of the house before I start to have these "quiet" moments, I will be almost 60 year old!  EEE GADS!!!  I need some "quiet" LONG before then!!!  LOL!!

So I shall continue to have my time with myself, be it at a movie, a restaurant or a bar, as often as I can.  For those few moments alone with myself, will be what keeps me sane with my family and friends, as I am getting older.  :-)

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