Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Today turned into a day of heavy thinking (which could have lead to some heavy drinking - LOL!).    I had thoughts swirling around my head (too bad it wasn't wine swirling around a glass), regarding why people feel the need to gossip about other people or situations.  Why do they feel compelled to share information with others that is not all factual, and especially when they don't have all the facts to begin with.  And more importantly, why do I get so fired up about all this?

As the thoughts continued to build in my mind and I could feel the frustration rising within me this evening, "A God Moment" occurred - on the speakers in the restaurant I was sitting at, a song by Pat Benatar - "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" starts playing! AAHHHH - the theme for what I am feeling and want to write about.  Thank you God!  :-)

Hit me with your best shot
Why don't you hit me with your best shot?
Hit me with your best shot
Fire away

You come on with a come on, you don't fight fair
But that's okay, see if I care
Knock me down, it's all in vain
I'll get right back up on my feet again

That is EXACTLY how I am feeling!  People are hitting me with their best shot, with the things they say and the words they use, and it may be knocking me down, but I need to just get back up and move on.

Words have such power.  They can inspire someone to smile, or cause someone to cry.  They can lift a spirit or crush a soul.  They can create a fantasy or cause a nightmare.  They can make a heart go a-flutter and send tingles through one's body, or create feelings of rejection, sadness and disappointment.  But no matter what is said and how the words are used....they have power.

GOSSIP: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are NOT confirmed as being true.  A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.

I believe the reason people gossip about other people is because they are insecure about their own lives. And if they can talk about someone else's problems or issues, or put that other person in a negative light, then it will appear that they have it all together and their life is just "perfect" - and the other person is a mess.  It's as if certain people feel the need to lift themselves up at the expense of knocking someone else down.  Make me crazy!!!

Then what becomes even worse, is that the children will hear their parents gossiping, and they go to school and gossip about what they heard their parents gossiping about.  It's a never ending cycle.  Gossiping is a learned behavior.   And it is one that can be changed and needs to be changed.

Gossiping people tend to be drawn to other gossiping people.  But the irony is that most people within the gossiping circle, will then gossip about each other - and try to hide it.

I have also learned that people who come to me and want to gossip about someone else to me, will then turn around and gossip about me to the person they came to me to gossip about.   I now know to steer clear of these kinds of people.

There are many verses in the bible that address the subject of gossiping and how destructive and careless talk can be.  Many of those verses come from one of my favorite books in the bible - Proverbs.

A gossip betrays a confidence (Proverbs 11:13) 

So avoid a man who talks too much (Proverbs 20:19)
A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don't hang around with chatterers.

A gossip separates close friends (Proverbs 16:28)
A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.

Without gossip a quarrel dies down (Proverbs 26:20)
Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.

He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity (Proverbs 21:23)

Perhaps, that is why I have such a small circle of close friends (as was mentioned in a previous post).  I do not find pleasure in bringing others down in order to lift myself up.  That is not what God has called me to do with my precious time on this earth.  Those that gossip need to get a life - their own life - and stay out of other people's lives - especially mine!  :-)

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