Friday, May 25, 2012

The Music of My Life

Today's brain purge is about music!  I was inspired to write about this after I heard today for the first time Katy Perry's new song called "Wide Awake."  It reminded me of the theme for my blog "A MidLife Awakening."
I'm wide awake
And now it's clear to me
That everything you see
Ain't always what it seems
I'm wide awake
Yeah, I was dreaming for so long

What a perfect song, considering how I have been feeling recently.  Lately, I have come to realize that I listen to a WHOLE LOT of music - a whole lot of the time.  But I don't just listen to the music, I LISTEN to the instruments being played and the lyrics!  And then if I really like the beat or melody of the song, or I am fascinated by the lyrics, I will seek out a video of the song on You Tube to visually see the artist's interpretation of the song.

When I am in my van I either have my XM radio playing music from a variety of stations which includes Pop, Country, Hip Hop/R&B, and Rock Classics, or my CD player currently has the soundtrack from "Wicked", Lady Antebellum's album "Own The Night", and a couple of CD's I made of my favorite Country Songs and favorite Contemporary Christian Songs.  And when I am not in my van, I am usually wearing my earbuds attached to my iPod as I am working out or doing my "domestic duties" around the house.  Many nights I even fall asleep listening to my iPod.  Even as I am writing this blog post right now, I am wearing my earbuds which are plugged into my computer and I am listening to my playlist called "Dancing/Workout Tunes" from my iTunes Library.  Music seems to surround me almost 24/7.

There are some days when I am feeling a certain way, and I will be in the mood for a specific genre of music or a particular song or artist.  Sometimes those moments will also play out for me through Facebook, and I will post a video of the song that is having significant meaning to me that day.  Sometimes, I will even post a link to a video on a friend's Facebook wall, after a conversation or experience we have shared together, as a way to add more meaning to what we have shared.  

Music has also played a huge part in my blogging.  In looking back at some of the blog posts I have written so far, several of them have included either the lyrics to a song, a video of a song or both.    Perhaps the reason I am so drawn to music is because of its ability to tell a story or express emotions or feelings in a way that feels incredible and real.  It is a true gift when a person can take how they feel, put it into words, and help create a song.  I wish I had this gift!

My Daughter has this gift.  She has written the lyrics for several songs and then collaborates with her vocal coach who is also a musician and together they are able to create the music to allow her words to come to life.  I am in awe of the two of them.  Such God-inspired creativity and giftedness!  Demo CD's of them performing together have been created and eventually, we will present their songs to a record label.   But for the time being, they will keep writing lyrics and music together.

My earliest memories of LOVING music date back to the mid-70's.  My first music cassettes were for my 8th birthday in 1975.  My cousin Gladys took me shopping and let me pick out any music I wanted for my gift.  The winners were: Barry Manilow's album "Live" and The Sylvers' album "Showcase".  Clearly my love for VERY different genres of music was already starting back then!   Barry Manilow is easy listening/pop music and The Sylvers are R&B/Soul/Disco music.

I remember being so obsessed with The Sylvers song "Boogie Fever", I choreographed a dance to this song and performed it as entertainment for the family and relatives at our Thanksgiving dinner that same year.   (I was clearly ahead of my time, trying to be a Solid Gold Dancer at the young age of 8.  Remember that show in the 80"s?  LOL!!!)    Maybe some of those genetic pieces of me will be passed on to my children.   They should be so lucky!  LOL!!!

As an adult, not much has changed. I will still get obsessed with a song from time to time.  And I will even choreograph a dance/workout if the song is REALLY good and pumps me up.  Funny thing is that when I have been doing this, I thought I was doing it in the privacy of my bedroom or bathroom.  However, Daughter informed me last week, that she has seen my dances/workouts - several times - when she has come to talk to me, and instead of making herself known, she has quietly been watching me.  Well, at least I was dressed.  LOL!!!

Music has and will continue to influence and inspire my life.  It is the food that feeds my soul.  Music is tied to memories and experiences.  I can't even imagine my life without music.  I am truly grateful for all of the people that have been blessed with the talent of creating music!  May your words and melodies continue to live on forever!!!  :-)

Katy Perry "Wide Awake"

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