As Mother's Day draws to a close...less than an hour left to the day...I remember that all things "mother" happened to me today!
I was greeted at 6:30 a.m. by the odor and dampness in my bed due to one of my children, (but to protect this child's reputation, I will not divulge which one - hahaha!), who decided during the night they needed to sleep near me because they were having a bad dream. Well, I guess the bad dream continued for this lovely child of mine because I woke up saying "THIS HAS TO BE A BAD DREAM FOR ME!" when I noticed a smell - due to them dreaming they had to go to the bathroom during the night and guess what....they did! In my bed!!! Oh Yeah! Happy Mother's Day to me! What a great way to start my day! LOL!
Then, because Son #1 had a 7:45 a.m. Soccer game I wanted to attend because it was his last game of the season, and it was about 30 minutes from my house, there was no time to deal with the sheets or the mattress cover (until MANY hours later - SO FRUSTRATING!!!!), much less have breakfast or grab a quick shower. (That would have to happen a few hours later!) But I would definitely HAVE to make the time for this child to run through the shower before leaving with me this morning.
At this rate, the slightest idea or possible attempt at pampering myself today, was NOT going to be happening! So, on went my workout pants, long sleeve t-shirt and the hair in a pony tail with a lovely black ball cap with a red and black cross and gold stitching on the front (so I looked like I made a little effort this morning before leaving the house). I did manage to brush my hair, brush my teeth and put the contacts into my eyes so I could see. But no time for make-up! JUST LOVELY!!!! The start of my day was REALLY not looking so good - literally - and it was only 7:00 a.m. LOL!!!!
With all this excitement so early today, there was also NO breakfast in bed for me, like in years past. The kids would create a lovely decorated menu of the options for my meal, beverage, and condiments. I had to circle my selections and then wait patiently upstairs in my bedroom, as they "reorganized" my kitchen with their father, in their wonderful attempt to cook for me. (This menu selection scene would be reminiscent of being at the hospital delivering these lovely babies - and the nurse would bring me my "meal card" to select my food/beverage options for the day. Same idea! LOL!)
Today's breakfast didn't actually happen until about 10:00 a.m. - and it was at the kitchen table - surrounded by the "sweet" sound of children bickering, crying, and arguing. Ahhhhhh yes...what would a Mother's Day be without these kids "reminding" me during my "Mother's Day Breakfast" that they exist! And it is because of their existence, that I am able to proudly wear the title "mom". I would just like to have a peaceful meal at least once a year - perhaps on Mother's Day (that seems fairly reasonable). What a "perfect" gift idea...and it doesn't cost a dime...only costs each of the kids a little effort on their part, to try to get along with each other for all of about 30 minutes! But I guess that wasn't on THEIR list. Let the indigestion begin.... LOL!!!
(Do you notice a pattern here? Every scene has had a "LOL" - because all I could do to keep my sanity thus far was to LAUGH OUT LOUD!)
At 10:30 I announce to the WHOLE family, "Mom is FINALLY going to take her shower. DO NOT DISTURB ME! I have all of 30 minutes to get ready and out of here so I can go see my own mother for Mother's Day!"
Originally, I did not think I would have the time to see her today, because of all of the kids activities. But that made me feel REALLY sad and angry. It was Mother's Day, and I had a mother, too. And she was at her home not feeling so well, and I needed to see her. Somehow, I was going to FIND the time, even if it was only for 30 minutes, to take her gifts and cards to her, and wish her a "Happy Mother's Day" in person. It would have been easy to wait until another day during the upcoming week, when I wasn't so busy, to stop by and visit with her. But for some reason, when it comes to my mom, I feel like I shouldn't put off until tomorrow what I need to do today. Her health has not always been the best since her 4 heart attacks in a three week period of time happened almost six years ago, which then resulted in a quadruple by-pass surgery at the young age of 60 years old. Since that whole experience (while I was 8 months pregnant with Son #3), I feel like every day with her is truly a gift from God!
The visit with my mom, was in fact only 30 minutes by the time I arrived at her home, because I had to be at the Theater by 12:30 to volunteer in The Green Room for the final performance of Christian Youth Theater's (CYT) musical production of "Charlotte's Web", which Daughter and Son #2 were performing in. This was my second year in a row that Mother's Day was spent at the Theater - volunteering in The Green Room. Last year's show was "The Sound of Music" - and Son #1, Daughter, and Son #2 were all in that musical. What an easy Spring that was - having the three older kids doing the same activity at the same time! What a concept! Too bad, it was only that one time. (Hey, maybe that is another gift idea I could suggest to them. All of them doing the same activity at the SAME TIME in the SAME PLACE! LOL!)
I must say, that even though it is Mother's Day, spending the day not only with my family, but around other kids and their families is actually pretty cool. As parents, we sacrifice so much for our children to be a part of CYT. Not just money, but our time, too. I have had many people over the years ask me why I continue to volunteer in The Green Room. (This is my 8th show out of 10, being in The Green Room, with CYT.) For me, there is no other committee I would rather be on. I have tried a couple of other committees, but they did not bring me the same kind of joy that volunteering in The Green Room does.
About 20 minutes before each performance, the cast of a show (usually between 80 to 100 children, ages 8 years old to 18 years old) will form several circles around the piano, holding hands or arms around each other, and begin to sing. And I don't mean they "just" sing to warm up...they SING!!!!
These beautiful and amazing young people start singing songs of praise and worship to Our Lord with their INCREDIBLE God-gifted voices. OMG!!! The first time I witnessed this 3 years ago, I was SPEECHLESS and in complete AWE at what I was witnessing. I had never seen or been a part of something so wonderful with such a large group of kids in a play. (And their parents weren't even in the room, forcing them to do this!) At that moment, I felt like it was really an honor and privilege to be volunteering in The Green Room, witnessing a moment in time that most other parents would not get to experience unless they too were a volunteer in The Green Room. I was able to see another side of these children (especially my own children) that many times goes unnoticed. I AM succeeding at raising God-filled and inspired children, and they openly share it with others - especially in song. Make my mother's heart sing with happiness! I have been hooked on The Green Room ever since!
By the time I got home (after the show, the strike and the strike party), it was about 8:45 p.m.! I was thinking I still had a couple of hours left to the day, and NOW I might have time to relax. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?! Crazy thoughts, obviously! There is no time for relaxing...Son #1, Son #2 and Daughter all still have homework to complete. And Son #3 needs a bath - bad!!!
It's 9:45 p.m., the bath is complete, but something isn't quite right. Son #3 has broken out EVERYWHERE from his face, down his back and front side, down his arms and legs and even the tops of his feet!!! WTH!!!! This is NOT good!!! Trying to stay calm, yet panicking inside, "what the hell did he eat???" He is itchy, and it all appeared at one time! Having a child with food allergies, especially to peanut and tree nut is way freakin' scary. Especially when they are little, because they don't always remember what they touched, or fully understand that before they accept food from a person, they have to ask about the ingredients. They have to say they are allergic to peanut and tree nuts. Hopefully, that is not what this is!
The tongue looks ok. His breathing is ok. He is not throwing up. He does not feel warm. He is not lethargic. No need for the epi pen, jr.! But the body does NOT look ok!!! Do I call the doctor??? At this time, I decide NO. This has happened before back when he was about 17 months old from eggs. However, it happened almost immediately after he ate them. Today was pancakes - no eggs. So what was causing this???? I suppose if it is still there tomorrow morning, we will go see the doctor. But hopefully some special lotion and Benadryl will resolve this. After 7.5 years of dealing with food allergies (which started way back when Son #2 was 18 months old and it was discovered that he was VERY allergic to Soy, Peanuts and Dairy), I thought I had this all under control. It appears a new culprit has entered my food arena and now I must go on a hunt to discover what is attacking Son #3! NEVER a dull moment when it comes to food allergies and my kiddos!!!
I finally finish taking care of Son #3, get him to bed - at 10:45 p.m.! The other three kids are also finally going to bed after finishing their homework. I am so ready to go to bed, myself! But does mom get to go to bed? Not yet!!! I still had not washed the sheets and mattress protector from this morning's little "accident". (Remember that from HOURS ago?!?!?!) So now at 11:00 p.m. I am starting laundry!!! Looks like tonight I will be sleeping in Son #3's bed. I really don't want to be awake until 1:00 a.m. waiting for sheets. (Yes, I do have another set of sheets, but I just changed them a couple of days ago and they needed to be washed, too! UUGGHH!)
While, today might not have been the "perfect" Mother's Day, I am truly thankful for being a mother! Thanks to these four incredible children! These moments and similar ones that happened today, do in fact happen EVERY DAY when you are a mother! They just seem to be heightened on a day like today, because out of 365 days during the year, you hope for at least this ONE day each year, to not be so "event-filled". LOL!!! Maybe next year.....we'll see....
But despite how my Mother's Day started this year, and continued throughout the day, it really is going to end perfectly. Knowing that all of my children are home safe with me, asleep in their beds...and me snuggling with my last baby - Son #3. Thank you God for allowing me to be the mother to these little blessings of life! It really was a "happy" Mother's Day! :-)
(I recorded the cast of CYT "Charlotte's Web" warming up with worship and praise songs before their last performance today. Their voices will make you smile!)
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