Thursday, June 14, 2012


It was 1979, I was 12 years old and in seventh grade.  I had to write a biography about a famous person.  I selected Billy Joel.  I loved that he played the piano (which I had been playing for about 7 years at that time) and he was from New York.  HE WAS COOL!  And he still is!!!  I have seen him in concert - twice!!  Most recently about 18 months ago.  LOVE HIS SONGS and HIS PIANO PLAYING!!!!  :-)

Back on October 13, 1978, his album (which was a BIG black vinyl circle object we played on a record player - hahaha) called "52nd Street" was released.  (Wow!  Son #1 was born on October 13th - nineteen years later.  Cool!)  Some of the songs that were popular from this album were "My Life," "Big Shot," and "Honesty."  My favorite of the three was "Honesty."  Even though I was only 11 years old at the time, the lyrics to this song spoke volumes to me.

Over the years, Billy has continued to write wonderful songs with thought provoking lyrics.  Many of his songs are tied to memories of my life.  But the one that still has a special place in my heart and is still one of my favorites, 33 years later,  is "Honesty."  I could listen to this song over and over and never get tired of the music or the lyrics.

Lately, I have been experiencing a variety of "honesty" related issues with friends and family.  What I am slowly realizing is that a person's lack of "honesty" really isn't a reflection of me.  It is something within themselves that they are struggling to be honest with.   Being honest isn't always easy, and sometimes other's feelings may get hurt.  But it is REAL!  I don't believe that being honest should be mean or cruel, though.   Consideration and thoughtfulness needs to be included when a one is being honest.  But to be dishonest to someone, because a person wants to either spare someone's feelings, or doesn't want to have to face the issues around being honest, that is actually more painful to the person on the receiving end.

As a parent, my children aren't always honest with me.  And when they aren't, that is just a choice they choose to make.  While it is disappointing and will make me sad, dishonesty has a way of making itself known.   I keep trying to teach my children that being honest can be so freeing.   Even if there will be consequences from being honest, they are still far less painful, then the consequences from dishonesty or a lie.

"Honesty" is something I value, and believe in.    And even when family and friends around me, choose to not be honest, I will continue to be who I am - an honest person.  My "honesty" is NOT spiteful, mean or hurtful.  It comes from a good place within me.   But it is REAL.  And I would rather be honest and work through the difficulties that may come from being honest, than dealing with the pain and consequences from being dishonest.  I wish others felt the same way, too.......

by Billy Joel

If you search for tenderness 
it isn't hard to find. 
You can have the love you need to live. 
But if you look for truthfulness 
You might just as well be blind. 
It always seems to be so hard to give. 

Honesty is such a lonely word. 
Everyone is so untrue. 
Honesty is hardly ever heard. 
And mostly what I need from you. 

I can always find someone 
to say they sympathize. 
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve. 
But I don't want some pretty face 
to tell me pretty lies. 
All I want is someone to believe. 

Honesty is such a lonely word. 
Everyone is so untrue. 
Honesty is hardly ever heard. 
And mostly what I need from you. 

I can find a lover. 
I can find a friend. 
I can have security until the bitter end. 
Anyone can comfort me 
with promises again. 
I know, I know. 

When I'm deep inside of me 
don't be too concerned. 
I won't ask for nothin' while I'm gone. 
But when I want sincerity 
tell me where else can I turn. 
Because you're the one I depend upon. 

Honesty is such a lonely word. 
Everyone is so untrue. 
Honesty is hardly ever heard. 
And mostly what I need from you. 

"Honesty" by Billy Joel

1 comment:

  1. Honesty is very important to me and i pride myself on the fact that i live my life by speaking honestly,thinking with sincerity and acting with integrity. I have noticed a lot lately how many people lie. this makes me sad because trusting others has become a big issue for me. I hate to think that I as i get older i trust less and get lonelier day by day. I have enjoyed reading your posts as they are very thought provoking and one post as me reading the next post - like a good book that you can't put down. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. julie
