I admit it....I am a closet writer! Not many people probably knew this before now, but I LOVE to write! And since I LOVE to talk - and that's no big secret to those that REALLY know me - writing just feels like I am having constant conversations on paper. I LOVE people that are witty and LOVE to laugh and I LOVE those that like to make me laugh! I LOVE people that get my humor! My son #1 is a person that has the witty humor, funny timing thing figured out. He and I can get going on "Things That Make You Go Hummmm" and my sides will hurt when I am done laughing with him. I have really good friends that will cause the same effect on me because of their innuendos and inside jokes we will share. I LOVE when I have those kinds of conversations. My face muscles get a wonderful workout. It feels like food for my soul. I LOVE that feeling!
I LOVE listening to music, but for some reason it feels even more intense when I've been drinking. The music FEELS more alive, and I need it LOUD so I can physically feel it. It is the craziest thing. I have now begun to understand what artists mean when they say they feel they do their best work, or write their best songs when they are under the influence. Probably, because when someone is under the influence, all inhibitions seem to disappear. All those feelings and thoughts one might keep buried, seem to come to the surface with no hesitation. Things a person might not normally say, seem to come flowing out of them like water. And that can be an INCREDIBLE feeling!
I LOVE songs that no matter where I am or what I am doing...I will start dancing in my place, because the song has that kind of beat. I LOVE how that will then cause me to have the biggest smile as I realize how happy that song is making me feel. Actually, as I am typing this post, I am sitting alone on my bed, with my headphones on and I am JAMMING to a song that has a kick-ass beat and I am smiling ear to ear listening to it, as I am bobbing my head from side to side, and rocking and shaking my upper body back and forth! I am doing Zumba on my bed! This is the BEST! And NO I am NOT crazy or having a mid-life crisis moment!!!!! LOL!!!
Recently, I discovered the soundtrack to the Broadway theater production of "Avenue Q" and one of the songs on the soundtrack made me laugh SO HARD. The song is called..."What Do You Do With A BA In English/It Sucks To Be Me." It is a really funny song! And the video of the cast performing it is HILARIOUS!!! I found it on YouTube:
And when I was having a really crappy day a few days ago, the lyrics made me actually feel better...because I could recall a good friend actually complaining to me and telling me about how her life sucked right now - and she thought her life was more sucky in comparison to how sucky I thought my life was. It was the best, perfect, no-cost therapy for me (and her). Hahahaha! I LOVE those kinds of moments.
I LOVE watching people at dance clubs that are AWESOME dancers. Their energy is contagious and it will inspire me. I will pay close attention to their moves, because at some point I will approach them to start dancing with them and I want to make sure I can keep up with them. (I also admit, on my bucket list I have the item that someday I want to be part of a music video dancing! Yes, I just admitted that! LOL!)
I LOVE being in the Green Room with a cast of youth from a Christian Youth Theater production during show week, as they are singing songs of worship to Our Lord for their warm-up exercises. Talk about goose-bump moments watching about 80-100 kids ages 8 to 18 years old, lifting up their voices in the most perfect sound, holding hands and singing like they are on a mountain top...all for the glory of God! It actually brings the adults watching in the Green Room (including myself) to tears watching the power of the Lord at work within each of them. So Incredible! I LOVE it!!!
There are lots of other things I LOVE, too. These just happen to be a few of the ones at this very moment, as I am typing this post, I am LOVING, and are bringing a smile to my face!
How often do people take the time to recognize what gives them those "ear to ear" smiling moments" and are they making the time to actually experience those moments? Whatever it is that makes you smile, you need to make the time and do it, because life is not going to stop and wait for you. If you don't remember the last time you had one of those moments, you are more than overdue.
Again, this is NOT a dress rehearsal! Embrace what you LOVE and what makes you smile and go DO IT! :-)
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