A person with A.D.D. hyper focuses. When they discover something they feel passionate about, they never let it go. They will learn everything they can about that passion - read all there is to read, watch and re-watch images on television or in videos until it is carved in their mind permanently, become a walking encyclopedia of information regarding their passion.
It saddens me that when most people hear the term A.D.D., negative images will become attached to the individual with A.D.D. - even if the images aren't true. Even the person that has been diagnosed with this, may feel negative thoughts about themselves, because our society has created such a hurtful stigma regarding what a person must be like if they have A.D.D. With the A.D.D. acronym having the word "deficit" in the name, a person with this is already being placed at a disadvantage. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition for "deficit" means: "Deficiency in amount or quality. A lack or impairment in a functional capacity. Disadvantage." And some of the synonyms are: "deficiency, failure, inadequacy, inadequateness, insufficiency and lack." REALLY?!?!?!?! So I ask again, "WHY is this word part of the A.D.D. acronym???
People with A.D.D. actually have an abundance (not deficit) of energy, focus and drive! (Wouldn't you rather work with someone like that then a "lazy ass"?) They like to take a situation and figure out how to improve upon it. (Is there a more efficient way to achieve the same result?) They are the go-get-um people who usually don't sit quietly on the sidelines letting life pass them by. Their minds usually don't slow down very often. Now, don't confuse extroverts with introverts. A.D.D. loves both personalities. And perhaps that is why for those that are by nature an introvert, the diagnosis of A.D.D. can be missed. Instead the person will be labeled as difficult, unengaged, and possibly disrespectful. When actually their brain is in overdrive and they are VERY quietly thinking the BIG thoughts...the what if's and why not's of the world and their environment. We WANT these kind of people to DREAM and KEEP DREAMING! (Not feel like they have a deficit for thinking like they do!) THEY ARE OUR FUTURE.
At this point, I could continue down another path regarding my knowledge, thoughts and opinions regarding medications used for A.D.D., the food allergy and food intolerance connection to A.D.D. and other methods/treatments used to address A.D.D. - but I will save that for another blog, because that portion of this topic can be lengthy!
Well, guess what... I have A.D.D. and I am SO FREAKIN' PROUD OF IT! And I just realized it a couple of years ago, when one of my children was diagnosed with it. They say it runs in families - in different degrees. I can't even begin to imagine all the things I would have missed doing, missed being a part of or not tried had it not been for my A.D.D. My constant desire to have a passion, whatever it is at that moment in time for me, and become the best, well-read and informed individual, so that I could share what I have always considered to be a GIFT of my knowledge with others....NOT A DEFICIT!
As for my child with A.D.D. - they are SOOO bright! Almost gifted! From the time they were a toddler, they were impressing me with their wealth of knowledge. Their sense of logic and reason was always a few steps ahead of mine. They would often catch me off guard with their "what if" and "why not" questions. At three years old, they were starting to learn to read and had learned ALL of the dinosaurs and the eras they were from! (I couldn't even pronounce most of them, let alone remember what era they were from...but they could!) This pattern of theirs still continues to this day. If it is a sport season they are interested in (and not one team, but all of the teams!), they will know ALL of the players, their teams, their stats, etc., etc.!
And that is why I believe their diagnosis was missed all these years. They were typically quiet, and well behaved in school. However, there were other characteristics associated with this person that has A.D.D., but because of how bright they were, and they were an introvert, it was never considered they might have A.D.D. and that was the root of some of their other issues.
All this aside, it doesn't really matter! Because they have THE GIFT! They will grow up and make a difference in our world, because they do DREAM! And they should NEVER stop dreaming! And it will be because of their hyper focusing that amazing things will come from this child of mine, someday!
A.D.D. Should REALLY Mean...Always Dream Darling! Because I too, will NEVER stop dreaming, either! :-)
Well said! It's really all in how you choose to look at it, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment, Barb! :-)