Friday, April 20, 2012

Age Is Just A Number!

During the past few days, a couple of my very dear friends had birthdays and turned the magic number of "45!"  And it got me thinking about when I was a kid and my parents were turning "45" - I was already in my mid-20's,  and they seemed so "old" to me!  As if they would be dying some time in the near future.  Well, thank God, they are still alive and kicking in their 60's...but now "45" seems so young!  Maybe, because I will turn that magic number in a few months, myself.

Many of us didn't start our families until we were 30 or older.  And we kept having kids until we were almost 40 or older.  I would hate to think that I am close to dying...based on how I viewed my parents when they were this same age.  LOL!

Over the years, I have heard people say, that the age you are is just a number, and I would think that sounded "so cliche" - but truth really is...just a number.  And sometimes that number catches up on us, depending on how well we are taking care of ourselves.  Are we controlling our age...or is our age controlling us?

One of my best friends that had her birthday this week, had been experiencing all kinds of health issues during her late 30's and into her early 40's.  Then about two years ago - she started taking control.  She lost OVER 100 pounds!  She doesn't even look like the same person I had known for over 14 years.   Now she does Yoga and teaches Zumba!  And we can share each other's clothes, if we want to.  I am so proud of her!  And she DOES NOT look "45" at all!!!   

Is that because what I perceive as "45", is much younger looking than what I thought it was when my parents were "45"?  Most definitely!  

Fortunate for some people, they are blessed with the genes of youthful looks.   But even with this blessing, if people abuse themselves, they can appear older than they really are.  I am of Spanish, Italian and French descent.  Those with these European genes, do tend to age slower and hold onto their youthful looks a little bit longer...unless we bake in the sun, eat all kinds of crap, get fat and let ourselves go, and never work out or do anything physical to stay fit.  LOL!!!  

When I was growing up, I HATED (again, I say the word, HATED) that I NEVER looked as old as my friends.  I looked like a "kid" in comparison to my teenage friends.   I was not very tall, and then with a face of tween when I was a Senior in high school....I hated it!  I would go out with friends in college and while the guys were all hitting on my friends, I was perceived as the "little sister"and no one would give me a second look!  Seriously!!!   

It wasn't until I was in my 40's (mid-life) that this whole "young" thing started working in my favor.  That's a hell of a long time to wait for a benefit like this!!!   But since I am only at the "mid-point" in my life, I still have a lot of life left to live, to collect on this benefit.
Age is not just about the number, and how you look, or how you feel.  It is also about your attitude.  If you act confident, you tend to feel confident.  If you dress sexy, you tend to feel sexy.  And if you act young, you tend to look young.  It's ALL about the Attitude.  "Attitude is a choice.  So pick a good one!"

And the age a person is, is just a number!  What age does your mind think like?  What age does your body look like?  What age does your personality act like?  Mine is definitely no where near "45" - at least this year.  :-)

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