I have so many prayers swirling around in my head, I can't seem to keep them all straight. And then I feel guilty for not remembering what I told someone I would keep in my prayers or the name of a person I should be praying for. When it comes to my own prayers, I would love to have a place to put them - to be able to re-read them until they are answered. Then when they are answered, being able to see that, and make a note of it. It would be a reminder to me that God DOES answer prayers - but in HIS time.
About two years ago for Easter, I had a friend of mine, make prayer journals for my children. Sadly, they have not been used to their fullest potential. Sounds like something I need to put on my summer "things to do" list for me and the kids to work on and use. And while I am at it, I need to have one made for me.
The same goes for having a gratitude journal. Everyday there are moments in my life that I am truly grateful for, things the kids will say, or an experience with another person, and I need to record these moments in an effort of helping me keep my life in perspective. Oprah Winfrey used to talk about gratitude journals often on her show and in her magazine. I even had one of my best friends give me a beautiful one as a gift for my birthday years ago, and yet the book has collected dust and the pages are still empty. It sounds like the perfect time for me to start using it, too!
Right now at this point in my life, there are so many highs and lows and so many people that are either sucking the wind out of my life, or are putting wind in my sail. This may sound crazy, but I am grateful for all of them, because the good and the not so good have purpose in my life. Those people and the moments they are associated with are helping to teach me so much about myself and the life I believe God is calling me to have.
I think my first entry for my gratitude journal will be that I am grateful for JESUS, OUR LORD. I am grateful that HE is such an important part of my life and that HE is all-loving and accepting of me and who I am and how I feel (even when others are not). I am grateful for HIS unending forgiveness of my sins, and HIS carrying me when I feel vulnerable, overwhelmed or weak. I am grateful that HE walks beside me to give me strength and encouragement. I am grateful that HE has brought certain people into my life while helping me to remove others. In my darkest moments, HE has been and will continue to be my shining light, guiding my path to a better place.
Thank you JESUS for all this and so much more!!! :-)
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