Thursday, May 3, 2012

Feelings And My Blog

Sharing one's thoughts and feelings in a blog is not always easy.  You are allowing yourself to be vulnerable to not only positive comments and feedback, but also critique and criticism from those reading it.  Sometimes what is expressed in a post can be misunderstood or misinterpreted by others, which can lead to feelings of discouragement and disappointment for the writer.  But this can also happen when you speak to another person directly - what is really meant, and the feelings that are trying to be conveyed can be lost in the translation from one person to the other.

I originally viewed my blog as a safe place for my feelings and thoughts to be shared.  But I am not so sure lately.  The key word is "my"... not someone else.  My feelings are based on my perception, my memories, and how I am personally affected by situations and experiences in my life.  My sharing in no way means that someone else's feelings or memories from the same situation are any less valid than mine - they are just different, and that is ok.  I have always thought feelings and memories were neither right or wrong - they just existed and each person was free to feel what they feel.  Feelings are usually not something that can be controlled - they just live within us.

Feelings can motivate us, inspire us, and bring us back to life.  At other times feelings can weigh us down, slow us down, and maybe even bring us to a complete stop.  Sometimes we might try to ignore the feelings we feel and act like they aren't really there and don't exist...but eventually they come out in other ways in our life.

Just because I choose to share my feelings and thoughts, it does not mean there is some hidden message in my posts, or there is something "going on" or "wrong" that there was a deep rooted need for me to write about it.  Most times, it is just my family and friends and their lives that will inspire me to really "think" and write a post.   Are there some things in life which anger and frustrate me?  Well, SURE!  As I am sure most people also have things in their life that anger and frustrate them.  Not everything in everyone's life is sunny and rosy 24/7.  At those times, I may feel compelled to write about those situations, too.

Writing makes me smile.  Writing is an experience that feels raw and real.  It takes me to another place.  My mind enters a "zone" - I can't quite explain it.  The things I want to express will hit me sometimes at the least expected moments and in the strangest of places.   At those times, I will put it on my iPhone in my notes app - until I get home to my computer.

There have been times when I'm writing, and some old feelings or memories will resurface that had been forgotten.  It is somewhat of an awakening moment for me and I will feel drawn to write about that experience.   In writing about it, I am then sharing another side of me which perhaps many people do not know about me.  But in sharing that side of does not mean something negative is happening to me.   There is no cause for alarm!  The writing of my blog has actually been a positive outlet for me, helping to keep all of my current life's happenings in a healthy perspective.

And that's just how I FEEL about it! :-)


  1. Oh how I can totally relate! Just remember, your blod is YOUR blog, you can write whatever you want and for whatever reasons you want. If people don't like it, kindly ask them to stop reading it! I always try to remember that I am writing for me, it is theraputic for me to write and if it helps, inspires or entertains someone else in the process, then great! Keep writing!

    1. Thanks Danielle! I appreciate your support! I knew you would understand. :-) Your blogs are wonderful because they are "raw and real", too. You never sugar coat anything - and you share exactly what you feel. Never stop writing, either. :-)

  2. Any time we write anything, it opens ourselves up to other people's comments, either positive or negative. It is a shame that people can't just keep those negative comments to themselves unless they are respectfully disagreeing.

    1. Thanks Rose! I know for some, their comments are intended to come from a place of "caring" - however, it feels judgmental and critical, and that's disappointing. I suppose this comes with the territory of blogging. LOL! :-)
