In my last blog post "Freedom of Speech - Part 1" I wrote about my views and feelings regarding how I believe many people "misuse" and "hide" behind the right to "Freedom of Speech." They use this "right" to mislead and hurt others...when that was not the original intent for this "right" back in 1789.
I respect other's opinions, even if they are not the same as mine. I listen and read with an open heart and mind to others...even when it may be in complete opposition to what I think or believe...because it is NOT my place to pass judgement and if anything, it helps reaffirm why I DO believe what I believe. Sometimes a differing opinion initially can lead to an opportunity for growth or change in one's opinion because another view had never been considered.
"Freedom of Speech" IS a wonderful thing!!! And it can allow for so many AMAZING outcomes because of it. But it can also create such negativity and turmoil, especially when people use it to intentionally hurt others.
When I read or hear something that erupts strong negative feelings, and my "sailor" mouth is flying off the handle in my head, sometimes the best thing for me to do is to do nothing. At least for a couple of days, so that the "heat" I am feeling can cool off a little. I don't want to be a reacting kind of person...because that can sometimes hurt, not help, an already heated situation. So that is what I have been doing for the last couple of weeks. Watching and waiting for the right time (if there really is one) to "speak" about a situation that I felt was misleading, hurtful, and just downright inappropriate by another blogger.
At first when I was typing up this blog post, I had originally included way more details regarding what triggered my outrage towards those that keep touting they have the right to say what they want because they are protected by "Freedom of Speech." As I re-read my rant, I realized that I did NOT want to further feed the negativity that was swirling around not only me, but many others I had spoken to regarding the hurtful blog written by someone many of us knew.
I have come to realize that the issue at hand is one that probably warrants a face-to-face chat. I am a "people" person. I want to see their face, look at their eyes, watch their body language, and hear the tones in their voice. I want emotions to be seen and feelings to be felt. When using social media outlets, emails, text messaging, or commenting on blogs - the "real" person is lost. People can hide behind these other forms of communication either by not being completely honest and holding back what they really feel or because they don't have to face the other person. Or they can become extreme in their word choices (good or bad) - saying things they would NEVER say if facing the other person.
I have decided to use my "Freedom of Speech" - by saying nothing online. And sometimes by not replying or saying anything, can speak VOLUMES - and that too, can be another form of "Freedom of Speech!"
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